Non Academic Programme
We Play as Hard as We Learn
We believe in holistic development of children and adolescence's abilities. Play is an integral part of growing up. We make our non academic programme fun and packed with learning values for learners. These programmes offer outside classroom learning opportunities in soft skills, life skills as well as life saving skills.
Ubin Resilience Camp
We Survived
This two day one night camp is packed with learning activities and competition. Learners will be taught life skills such as knot tying and tent building, First Aid, food identification in jungle, outdoor cooking, hiking and canoeing. Learners will be assigned tasks to complete during the course and will be rewarded upon completion. There are also friendly competitions between groups to pace to be a winner. Are you bold enough to join us for this
Video for Social Media
Making Impressive Videos for Social Media
In this IT and Data era, one of the essential skills for learners, regardless of age, is to make interactive videos and convey your messages and information online. This three session, half day programme is designed for learners during the school holidays. Learners will learn how to take photographs and video clips using smart phone. They will then use the video and pictures taken, and edit them into videos with titles, captions and commentary during the second session. On the final session, learners will then upload their videos onto social media and look out for the numbers of viewers and reviews they get from the public.